Jana El-Hage

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About Jana El-Hage

My name is Jana El-Hage. I grew up in a Lebanese household and my first

language is Arabic. I was born in Michigan, and since then I have constantly

moved states and countries. Due to this, I enjoy traveling, I try to get a few trips

a year in. I moved back to Michigan last November (2022), and decided to

pursue my Real Estate license. I have always found joy in making myself

available for individuals, family or not, solving problems and dealing with difficult

clients in my business, & at other companies I have been employed at. I have

perfected my etiquette to the point where I can connect with people on a

personal level and have them trust me. I think this is a good skill I can carry into

my Real Estate business. My passion is to succeed in this business, I know I can

be a top agent not only in the Brokerage I am employed at, but within the entire

state. My goals have no limit, & most of my goals are non-beneficiary to me, in

the sense that I would love to live a comfortable life. However, I do not care so

much for the material aspect that comes with success and money. I plan to

make sure everyone in my family also lives comfortably, along with helping as

many individuals near or far. I want to leave a mark on Earth and more

importantly in peoples hearts. I know this business can help me network and

meet a lot of people, create relationships that will benefit my business and help

me implement all the charity I plan to do. I am ready to become an agent who’s

name will be known in Michigan.

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